Note for restart of air bag and diaphragm type capsule accumulator
Nitrogen is always required to be very slow when air is added to empty capsules and diaphragm accumulators.If the high pressure nitrogen expands rapidly as it is allowed to enter the balloon, it will cause the polymer material of the airbag to cool down to a certain place and quickly develop a fault that is liable to damage.Even if it is inflated quickly, the airbag can be pushed under the taper of the oil end, beilun hydraulic accumulator plant so that the airbag can be cut off.
If the pre-air pressure is too high or the minimum system pressure decreases, the pre-air pressure does not decrease correspondingly, the operation of the accumulator will be affected, leading to the result of damage.The excess pre-excited gas from the empty capsule accumulator is placed into the conical valve equipped with the air compartment during exhaust, causing the conical valve or airbag to break.This is the basic cause of airbag malfunctioning.
The frequency variation of an empty capsule capacitor without the addition of low pressure or reserve air.The result is that the top of the shell is damaged by fold under the pressure of the system.This is what happens when an airbag is pushed into an air valve or stabbed.In this case, it only takes one cycle to destroy the airbag.Similarly, too high or too low prepressure in the haizhu hydraulic accumulator plant can cause the piston accumulator piston to reach the bottom of the stroke end, damaging the piston and its seal.The good news is that if this happens, a warning is heard.
This means that piston accumulators can be damaged by substandard air, and they are more tolerable than empty bladder accumulators.The pulsating flow of the pump will cause pressure pulsation, so that the movement speed of the executive element is even, producing vibration, noise, etc.If the pump outlet parallel response, small inertia accumulator, can absorb the flow and pressure pulse, yinzhou hydraulic accumulator factory reduce noise.